Prevent bed bugs when traveling.
Summertime is just around the corner and millions of people will travel around the country on vacation. Of course, packing all of your clothes and essential items is always a top priority to ensure that you will have an exciting trip. However, many seasoned travelers do not realize that bed bugs are still a common issue in hotels and motels across the country. Commercial pest control is one of the best ways to prevent bed bugs, but not all lodgings invest in pest control services. Instead, it is critical for travelers to follow a few safety tips to prevent bed bugs from infesting your items, or you may need to use residential pest control services to keep your home free of these pests.
Here are just a few ways to prevent bed bugs while you are on vacation this summer.
Inspect Entire Room to Keep Bed Bugs From Infesting Your Bags and Luggage
One of the most effective ways to keep bed bugs from infesting your luggage is to thoroughly inspect the hotel room before you unpack your items. For example, it is always a good idea to look inside each of the dressers, sofas, and chairs before you sit down or place your items. It is also important to pull back the sheets and make sure that the mattress seams don’t contain any bed bugs. Always avoid laying your luggage on upholstered surfaces to prevent bed bugs from infesting your belongings.
Notify Management
If you do notice that your hotel room has bed bugs, it is essential to notify management and move to another location immediately. It is also important to never move to an adjacent room, as bed bugs can easily move next door through housekeeping carts or even wall sockets. If possible, you may want to consider switching to another hotel if any rooms are available. Always performing the bed bug checklist is necessary before you decide to stay in a new location.
Check Suitcases & Items Once You Arrive Home
Once you arrive home from your summer vacation, it is a good idea to check your luggage outdoors before you bring it inside your house. Always vacuum your suitcase before you put it in a closet, to avoid accidentally bringing bed bugs into your home. Washing and drying all of your clothes on a hot cycle is another way to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. Of course, it is essential to contact a licensed pest professional if you believe that you may have accidentally brought bed bugs back from your summer vacation.
Contact Prohealth Pest Control to Prevent Bed Bugs
Learning how to prevent bed bugs from infesting your luggage is essential while traveling on a summer vacation. Prohealth Pest Control specializes in removing bed bugs and many other pests from residents in Clearwater, Florida and the surrounding community. Our organic pest control services will keep you safe, while completely removing these pests from any location. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services and we will always respond within 24 hours to keep bed bugs from taking over your home.
Feel free to contact us at (727) 260-5531 to learn more about our services and prevent bed bugs from infesting your home.