Potential Health Issues of Pesticide Poisoning
In recent years, pesticides have gotten a lot of negative attention as much of the world attempts to rid ourselves of dangerous chemicals. The question that a lot of people ask is just how dangerous these pest control chemicals can be.
Today, we’re going to provide you with a quick overview of the potential health risks, along with some benefits of choosing organic pest control methods.
It’s no secret that exposure to pesticides can cause adverse health effects, especially in people who are vulnerable such as those without a strong immune system or those who suffer from lung issues. You should keep in mind that a brief exposure to pesticides will typically have a very small toxic effect, if any at all. When exposure has been in the long term, however, the chances of severe reactions will go way up.
Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect:
- Mild Poisoning — If you have short-term exposure to pesticides, then you’re probably looking at very mild symptoms. This could be something as simple as a mild headache or irritation to your nose, throat, eyes, or skin. However, you may experience slightly worse health issues such as fatigue, diarrhea, restlessness, insomnia, changes in mood, and others.
- Moderate Poisoning — Once you reach a moderate level of pesticide poisoning, you’ll often suffer symptoms that you can’t ignore. These could range from coughing and vomiting to blurred vision and excessive perspiration. Even more serious conditions include abdominal cramps, profound weakness, muscular incoordination, and mental confusion.
- Severe Poisoning — With long-term or a high level of exposure, you may be subject to severe health risks. You could experience a build-up of phlegm or mucus in your airways, chemical burns, an inability to breathe, uncontrollable muscular twitching, and more. In very severe cases, you may experience unconsciousness and even death.
How Our Bodies Get Exposed to Pesticides
If you experience any of the mild or moderate symptoms listed above, you should contact a poison control center right away. For the more severe symptoms (and even some of the moderate ones), call 911 as soon as the symptoms present themselves. One of the things you’ll be asked is how you were exposed to pesticides.
There are three ways that this can happen:
- Dermal — It’s very common for people to be exposed to pesticides from getting a bit of liquid on their skin. In some situations, it could also splash into your eyes. Either way, when pesticides absorb through dermal exposure, they can cause damage.
- Inhalation — Inhaling pesticides through airborne droplets, vapors, or powders can cause damage to your lungs and other parts of your body. This can be especially hazardous when dealing with high pressure or fogging equipment due to small droplets being carried considerable distances. For these particular pesticides, you’ll typically be directed to use a respirator.
- Ingestion — Ingesting pesticides through your mouth is less common, but can result in severe poisonings. Accidental ingestion has occurred many times due to a person drinking a pesticide that’s been put into an incorrect container. Also, if workers don’t wash their hands while eating, they may ingest some of the pesticides.
Benefits of Organic Pest Control Methods
Due to the dangers of pesticide exposure, many pest control companies are now using organic methods whenever possible.
Here are some of the benefits of organic pest control:
- Won’t Irritate Health Issues — Certain types of pesticides can irritate a person’s existing health issues, especially respiratory problems. Since organic pest control methods are non-toxic, this typically won’t be a problem.
- Safer for Kids and Animals — The biggest issue with kids and animals (including household pets) is that they often don’t understand the importance of staying away from toxic chemicals. Organic sprays that are used to eliminate pests are safe for ingestion so this isn’t an issue.
- Better for the Environment — With toxic pesticides, you have to worry about the environment because they seep into the soil and pollute the air. Organic methods are a great way for a household to “go green” because they don’t present a danger to the environment.
- No Need to Leave Home — Many people have been through the process of fumigation, which requires you leave your home while pets are being exterminated. In most situations, organic pest control methods can be applied while you go about your normal, daily routine.
- Won’t Damage Your Home — Depending on the type of pesticide you’re using, this could cause damage to your home by seeping into the paint or getting inside electronic equipment. Most organic methods are entirely safe for household items or only require that certain items be removed.
Contact ProHealth Pest Control to Learn More About Pest Control Chemicals
ProHealth Pest Control specializes in residential and commercial pest control methods. Instead of dangerous pest control chemicals, we offer organic methods that will take care of any pest problem. For questions or appointments, give us a call at (727) 260-5531 today to schedule a free consultation.