What Separates Organic Pest Control from Normal Pest Control?

Curious as to what separates regular pest control from organic pest control? We have the answer.

Organic products of varying sorts are all the rage these days for good reason. In particular, organic pest control services in Clearwater have emerged as incredibly popular. Do not make the mistake of letting any old pest control service treat your home or office with pesticides rife with chemicals. Organic pest control services in Clearwater won’t put your health and the health of your loved ones in jeopardy.

Natural Pest Control Vs. Organic Pest Control

There is a distinction to be made between organic pest control and natural pest control. Natural bug sprays feature ingredients like crushed garlic. Bugs might migrate out of your yard or home after natural pest control solutions are applied yet they will not be eliminated.
Alternatively, organic pest control solutions will eliminate those annoying bugs in a non-toxic manner. Organic pest controls are typically made with ingredients from plants, so they are rife with compounds that kill insects. Organic pest control sprays work in every part of your home, business, yard or other areas. This natural spray can be applied to your garden at a fairly high frequency without worry of poisoning or ineffectiveness.

Defining the Term “Organic”

There is much confusion as to what organic really means. Organic is a term that means the product in question is made with approved methods that combine biological, cultural, and mechanical practices that promote resource cycling, biodiversity, and ecological harmony. Organic ingredients are used in everything from food to pest control sprays, beverages, baby products, and more. In particular, organic products have emerged as especially popular in the agriculture and horticulture industries.
Produce grown on organic farms is made without the use of chemical-based sprays. Pest control techniques are employed to prevent damage. As an example, predatory insects are introduced to eliminate ladybugs, wasps, beetles, caterpillars, and other pests. Products created with the organic approach ultimately prove safer, cleaner, and more natural.
Keep in mind organic pest control sprays will be applied to the spaces in which your kids and pets play. If you allow a company to apply chemical-laden pesticides to your living space, the health and well-being of your family will be at risk. Take the organic route and you will have no such worry.

An In-depth Look at Organic Pest Control

Many insects can be eliminated by natural herbs, minerals, and vegetables. As an example, sweet basil and eucalyptus send flies far away. Mosquitoes cannot stand rosemary and sage. The moral of this story is organic substances that are completely harmless to humans and pets are quite effective against insects.
The mere fact that most insects cannot handle the taste or smell of certain organic items does not mean they will avoid your property for the long haul. There is no sense using such organic pest control sprays to merely mask something bugs desire. Take advantage of organic pest control services for regular applications and your property will no longer be plagued by bugs.

Contact Prohealth Pest Control Today

Prohealth Pest Control will eliminate those pesky critters from your home or business with a safer and clean organic pest control service in Clearwater. Give us a call at (727) 260-5531 or fill out our contact form to schedule a no-cost consultation.