Are Wasps Attracted to Light?

Are wasps attracted to light like moths and other insects?

Many homeowners want to give both bees and wasps a wide berth, but the truth is wasps are typically a much bigger concern. While it’s common to see flying pests flittering around an outdoor light bulb, many property owners wonder if wasps are attracted to light as well. It’s a fair question, so we’re going to briefly explore the answer and then take a look at some helpful ways to prevent a wasp infestation.

Are Wasps Attracted to Light?

The simple answer is, yes, wasps are attracted to bright lights, which is why you’ll sometimes see them buzzing around your yard at night. This doesn’t always mean that you have an impending infestation but it definitely means that you need to keep a watchful eye. Also, keep in mind that indoor light bulbs can attract wasps as well. This is why it’s important that you fortify your household against any potential entry.

How to Keep Wasps from Your Home

Any home is prone to wasps, so you should never let your guard down. Luckily, there are some simple ways that you can prevent wasps from seeing your property as a welcome hangout.

Here are some simple steps to take:

Don’t Take Down Lights

Since wasps are attracted to light, you may think about taking down some outside bulbs. This is a knee-jerk reaction and should be avoided. Removing lights will reduce the security and safety of your home, so it’s just not worth it.

Remove Sources of Food

Food sources, especially sweet foods, will routinely attract wasps. Keep a watchful eye on fruit trees and flowers. Also, remember wasps don’t care if a fruit is rotten, so remove any rotted fruit right away to make your yard less appealing.

Move Bird Feeders Away

Hummingbird feeders really seem to drive the wasps crazy because the water inside is so sweet. Wasps aren’t like squirrels, so you don’t really have to worry about them stealing all of the hummingbirds’ food. However, it’s best to keep the feeder away from your house so a wasp is less likely to slip inside.

Seal Cracks in Your Home

Like other pests, wasps often enter a home through small cracks in the foundation, walls, edges of your doors and windows, etc. Sealing any problem areas will greatly reduce their entry. You can use caulking for most areas, but larger cracks or gaps may call for spray foam or weather-stripping.

Watch for Wasp Nests

It’s a good idea during the warmer months of the year to routinely check your property for any sign of a wasp nest. They’ll start out around the size of a baseball and it won’t take long before they grow. You can commonly find them under eaves, on trees, in attics, and even among bushes.

Guard Garbage/Compost

Garbage and compost are also attractive food sources for wasps. Make sure that your garbage bags are properly sealed and your trash can is closed at all times. If you do any composting, keep it covered up to lessen its appeal.

What to Do If You Spot a Wasp

If you spot a wasp on your property, it’s important you don’t go into panic mode. Wasps are a common part of living in Florida and you can get rid of them rather quickly.

Here are three things to keep in mind:

Don’t Try to Kill Them

You may think it’s safe to kill a single wasp or maybe two, but this is asking for trouble. Wasps will typically leave you alone, but if you try to kill one and miss, they could become aggressive and attack. Plus, a dying wasp will release a chemical that alerts others to its location and may act as a beacon to its nearby buddies.

Don’t Spray or Hit a Nest

You wouldn’t believe how many homeowners attempt to remove a wasp nest by either spraying it with water or hitting it with a baseball bat or other blunt object. All this ever accomplishes is a nest full of angry wasps all gunning for you. Do yourself a favor and don’t even think about it.

Call a Pro Exterminator

The best way to handle wasps on your property is to call a professional pest control company as soon as you can. These experts know how to kill wasps safely and without incident.

Contact ProHealth Pest Control for Wasp Control

Although wasps are attracted to light, there are definitely precautions you can take to prevent an infestation. ProHealth Pest Control can help you get rid of yellow jackets, great black wasps, and other dangerous pests. If you have any questions about our organic, residential, or commercial pest control methods or would like to schedule a free consultation , reach out to us by calling (727) 310-0521.