Helpful tips to treat a spider bite.
The mild winters and comfortable temperatures in Clearwater, Florida is just one of the many perks of living in the area. However, the friendly weather also makes the area an ideal habitat for a range of invasive arachnids.
When you see signs of arachnid invaders in your home, your local commercial pest control, organic pest control, or residential pest control service can help you with professional spider control. However, you may not notice that you have a problem until you’ve been bitten.
Use these tips to treat a spider bite. These steps will help you prevent infection, soothe the pain, and help you understand when you might need professional medical attention.
Identify Your Spider Bite
The first step is to ensure your wound is the result of a bite. Spiders leave behind tiny puncture wounds that may not be visible for some time after the initial bite. Before you treat a spider bite, look for these signs.
- Swelling around two evenly spaced puncture wounds.
- Red welts or other skin damage.
- Itching, blisters, or rashes.
- Pain around the puncture wound, either in the muscle or layers of skin.
- Sweating or difficulty breathing.
- Fevers, chills, nausea, or vomiting.
If your symptoms interfere with your daily life, you may have been bitten by a venomous spider. Seek medical attention for high fevers, spreading rashes, and gastrointestinal issues.
There are a number of poisonous spider species in Clearwater, Florida area. Some of them include:
- Brown recluse
- Black widow
- Hobo spider
- Tarantula
When you need to treat a spider bite, this online guide will help you identify a possibly poisonous spider.
Treat a Spider Bite with First Aid
The next step to treat a spider bite at home is to use some basic first aid. Start by cleaning the area with mild soap and plenty of warm water. Pat dry and apply an antibiotic ointment to seal the wound and prevent infection. Some ointments contain an ingredient that reduces pain. If not, the over-the-counter pain medication should reduce painful swelling around the bite area.
Elevate swollen limbs to naturally encourage fluids to flow away from the area. This reduces swelling more quickly. Apply a cool, damp cloth to the area for faster relief.
You shouldn’t need a bandage for your bite. Keep it clean and covered with ointment until a scar forms. Watch the area for changes that could indicate an infection or a possible venomous bite.
See Your Doctor
If home first aid measures don’t provide healing or pain relief, you may need to see your doctor to treat a spider bite. Bring a picture of the spider to help your doctor determine the proper treatment plan. If photos aren’t available, be ready to provide a verbal description of the attacker.
Your medical professional will inspect the wound, clean away any necrotic or infected flesh, irrigate the wound, and apply an antibiotic salve to promote healing.
To treat some spider bites, antivenom may be provided. Antivenom is only administered in life-or-death situations. This medication can be dangerous to those with certain allergies, so be sure to provide a thorough health history.
Tetanus boosters are often used to help your body fight off internal invaders. Some victims may need oral antibiotics to treat a spider bite that has already been exposed to bacterial infection.
Avoid Spider Bites with Prohealth Pest Control
The best way to treat a spider bite is to avoid it altogether! Prohealth Pest Control is your source for professional and reliable pest control in Clearwater, Florida area. Contact our representatives at 727-260-5531 to free your home from unfriendly visitors today.