Do Bed Bugs Infest Other Types of Furniture?

What other furniture do bed bugs infest?

Although it’s not accurate to call bed bugs a scourge, these blood-sucking creatures have become a problem in recent years. Once thought to be limited to unkempt homes and hotels, bed bugs have managed to go mainstream, popping up in residential and commercial buildings of all shapes and sizes.

If left unchecked, it doesn’t take long for bed bugs to make a blood meal out of your entire household. This is why it’s important to understand where bed bugs can be found and how to cut them. Today, we’re going to discuss where to find bed bugs in furniture, a variety of signs to watch out for, and the best bug treatment available.

Most Common Furniture for Bed Bugs

It’s obvious that a bed bug’s favorite type of furniture is your bed. After all, it’s right there in the name! While you’re sleeping, these vampiric insects come out of their hiding spots to make a feast out of your blood. The problem is that bed bugs are quite small and can squeeze into tight spaces, not only making them hard to find but making them difficult to kill with traditional pest control.

Other Furniture Prone to Bed Bugs

Many homeowners wonder if bed bugs live in wood furniture or other areas. The simple answer is that it depends. One good thing about bed bugs is that they won’t harm your furniture, so you don’t have to worry about them eating your wood like termites.

This isn’t something you need to worry about. Aside from your bed, furniture that’s in your bedroom such as dressers and nightstands could also be prone to bed bugs.

Other Potential Bed Bug Hiding Spots 

We don’t want to freak you out, but the truth is that bed bugs have been found in many places throughout a person’s home. Their ability to squeeze into small spaces means they could be almost anywhere. Although their ultimate goal is to reach your bed or similar piece of furniture, they can sometimes be found in appliances, light fixtures, and even electrical outlets.

Common Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Experiencing a bed bug infestation is annoying, but it’s downright gross because they feed off of you like you’re their own personal smorgasbord. The good news is that it isn’t too difficult to figure out when an infestation is either taking place or imminent. To help you out, we’ve compiled a few of the most common signs of bed bugs:

  • Live Bugs — If you spot flat, brown insects, then you may have bed bugs hiding in your home.
  • Blood Stains — Waking up with tiny blood stains on your sheets is a surefire sign that bed bugs are coming out at night.
  • Itchy Skin — The most common physical effect of a bed bug presence is noticing reddish, itchy skin after you’ve slept.
  • Fecal Spots — If you notice any dark red, brown, or black spots on your sheets, this may indicate a bed bug’s fecal matter.
  • Musty Odor — Although this is sometimes less common and difficult to notice, a musty odor in your bedroom often points to bed bugs.

Heat Treatment to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

If you’re looking for the best way to kill bed bugs, you don’t want to use chemicals, whether they’re toxic or organic. Although chemicals are definitely effective, they often need many treatments because of the insect’s ability to stay hidden. Instead, you should use a bed bug heat treatment. These treatments work very well because bed bugs can only survive up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature of your home will be raised above that.

Contact Prohealth Pest Control to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Furniture

The experts at Prohealth Pest Control use organic methods and heat treatment to remove and prevent bed bugs in furniture. If you’re in need of fast bed bug control or have problems with other types of pests such as cockroaches, ants, rodents, arachnids, mosquitoes, or any others, reach out by calling us at (727) 260-5531 today.